How Burch Oil’s Price Protection Program Works

The usage of heating oil is a wonderful privilege that we utilize to heat our homes. It’s efficient, low-risk, and easily accessible and reliable when you hire a heating oil delivery service like Burch Oil in Southern Maryland. But like any privilege, there are some external factors to consider regarding access, price, and supply to quality heating oil. Luckily, Burch Oil has a program in place to limit these external factors, and ensure that nothing affects our promise to consistently deliver quality heating oil to you. Keep reading to learn more!
Heating Oil Prices and Caps
What exactly is a heating oil cap? To understand our Price Protection program, there are some things to consider about heating oil. Like any other type of fuel in the modern world, there is a larger controlled market regarding heating oil pricing and supply. Just like gas prices fluctuate when per barrel oil costs go up, the price of heating oil fluctuates as well with rising and falling market prices. But unlike the rising price-per-gallon repercussions of the gas market, our Price Protection program charges a small fee that puts a cap on the prices you pay for our heating oil. No matter how high market oil prices go, the price you pay is capped, and won’t skyrocket, while anytime market prices fall, your prices come down too.

How Do We Do It?

For Burch Oil to implement our Price Protection program, we combined bulk oil purchases with smart market analysis to ensure that we have as much control over our own heating oil supply and prices, and therefore, your supply and prices. Our heating oil specialists are constantly analyzing market pricing trends, and implementing daily research of the commodities market to find the right time to purchase oil in bulk, and store at our 800,000 gallon on-site facility.

This process allows us to manage the effects of fluctuating oil market prices and take the financial brunt of any price hikes or supply shortages. We do charge a small fee for our Price Protection program, but we do not make any profit on this fee — this fee simply supplements some of the charges associated with this service, like the premiums our suppliers charge for offering this price insurance program. But this program allows us to continue our proud tradition of providing reliable, affordable, and effective heating oil services and heating oil delivery services to folks all around Southern Maryland. If you still have questions about the process, check out our Price Protection FAQ, or give us a call.
Price Cap Protection with Burch Oil
Burch Oil is truly proud of the quality and the variety of all of our heating oil services. From heating oil delivery to effective heating oil tank installation and services, we take our commitment to providing for our customers very seriously, as we have continually done for the past century. Our Price Protection program is just another example of that service quality, because we want to make sure that you are getting the highest quality heating oil at the best prices, every time. Give us a call today at (301) 373-3829 or fill out the online form and schedule your next heating oil delivery with Burch Oil.
Enroll in Burch Oil’s heating oil price protection program. On this page, you will learn more about the process of protecting your fuel price for this heating season and put together a wealth of information so you can make an educated decision.
For starters, just go to our FAQ page that answers the most common questions we get from customers about our price protection program.